havent, and, and thahat the past, the seeds were planted by chavez years ago, startinin in 1998, nicolas mamaduro is sewing tododay. it has nothing t to do withh outside soururces. genie: what about u.u.s. involvement? the u.s.s. was one of the firsto sendnd international r relief a. venezuela.ted in why are they so inveed to the point of saying military intervenentionould s still be en the tatable? >> a numumber of years before recognizing t the wide-out government, the u.s. was b buyig venezuelan n oil. mamany have accused thee u u.s.f aiding and abetting the chavez reregime by buying venezuelan o. it has hadad a vesteted interesn impoporting venezuelan oil and exporting that t oil. it was a a mutuall b beneficial relationship.. there are over r 3 billion refugees thahat have l left, , h destililizes the region, hence latinjor support of the american countries, includuding colombia and brarazil. thihis spillover of the domestic problems into the rest of the hehemisphere, it becomes a hemispheric problem. hence the support t of many leading europeaean nations. we are not deaealing with a --uatio