it makes it a very difficult decision. >> brown: nicolas retsinas, to bring it full circle, now we're in the fall season. what do you look at normally in the housing market? what is supposed to happen? what do we need to happen next? >> well, i need... again i go back to foreclosures, foreclosures, foreclosures. as long as foreclosures, distress sales, short sales are 30%-40% of the market there will continue to be downward pressure on the market. i'm afraid the silver linings we saw in the numbers today may only be temporary. >> brown: closing word. >> i agree 100% with what nick said. you know, the foreclosure situation is the real nut that has to be cracked. that's going to take time to do it. we're not making any progress on it. in fact, we're delaying it. >> brown: guy, nicolas retsinas, thank you both very much. >> you're welcome. >> ifill: now, we have another story in our series on global population issues. it's a partnership with "national geographic" magazine, which has been reporting on this topic throughout 2011. the september issue examines the declining birth rate in bra