i want to recognize nicole avrol. as she stands up, you will get a sense of why we are about to recognize her. we are very happy enjoyable she will be welcoming the newest addition to her family in a few short months. i am also somewhat sad to announce she will be leaving our department in her full-time capacity so she can focus on her newest endeavor. nicole, as you know, just a few months after i started we learned that we were facing historic budget cuts, and we created a new division under the theory that we did not want to cut services, we wanted to add revenue. that is how we wanted to solve the budget challenges. we tasked nicole with leading the effort. i could not be more proud of her work. he was truly a start up in every sense of the word. pro results and the team she has created will leave a legacy for the city and department for a long, long time she has helped this department focus on earned revenue and property management and stolen property support. we think nicole, through her leadership, of her team