liz: nicole eggert from "baywatch." you remember that? david: i do.l of today's interviews on check it out. david: time for the number one thing to watch. let's bring back steven lieb who has very interesting things about gold. >> dave and liz, i think people should watch gold like a hawk right now. if gold bottoms in here, it will signal a lot of commodities like oil is heading up. liz: who sy sag it will bottom? >> no one. that's what i'm watching. go back to twist, liz. -- twix, liz. it didn't look back until it got to $150. we have not had that kind of down move yet in oil. we could have a massive rebound in oil. you could see oil at 130, $140. yes, that is what everybody said in 07. david: what about excess supply? >> what excess supply. you're driving and heating season. saudi arabia is in full production. there is no more excess oil production in the world. fracking will die down. david: he is passionate man. austin, come here for a second. austin, come here. our veteran, god bless you, austin. god bless all vets. liz: "willis