nicole elliott director of the office of cannabis. thank you for having us here today and for agreeing to hear and weigh in on this item. i am joined by my deputy director eugene hillsman, he is right behind me. he will also be presenting on components of the equity program as well. last time i was here was before we had, in place, a final regulatory structure. it was less than a year ago. since then, the city has issued an equity report that was done by my office in collaboration with the human rights commission in the controllers office. supervisor cohen led the charge in implementing or incrafting an equity program incorporated into the regular la tosh regulatory . so before we get into the over all request, i wanted to familiarize you all with that program so you can better understand the program and the population that we're targeting with this request. so just starting at the very beginning, looking at what supervisor cohen put in article 16 of the police code. this is a requirement to do an equity program. you will recall when