and they share that space with polar bears now it's not an easy place to live as our reporter nicole firth found out. it almost seems like the north pole is just over the horizon a last outpost of civilization in the frozen north you may well be wondering where on earth i am i mean long european and small part. i'm in your northernmost town and that is by far not the only record long european holds this norwegian city is a place of extremes and today i want to show them all to you. just getting here as an odyssey from berlin i make my way to oslo from there it's another 3 hour flight i reach my destination there i am greeted by the archipelagos most famous residents the polar bears. solve hard lines about halfway between the northern tip of norway and the north pole longer being with a population of around $2100.00 as the largest settlement is on the $78.00 north parallel no other settlement with over a 1000 residents lies farther north. time for a 1st look around but i'd rather go in the company of my guide frederick's rubric am tez rifle polar bears could be anywhere here real ones this