. >> nicole galinas argues that the 2008 crisis was caused by 25 years of government interconveniencein the stock market. she says that we need to return to a financial system in which bad businesses are allowed to fail instead of being bailed out. new york city hosts the hour-long event. >> good morning. i'm amity. please welcome this morning -- please -- i may ask right away turn off your cell phones or beepers or check again to be sure they're turned off. we'd like to welcome you this morning to this manhattan institute event for nicole, the author of an important new book "after the fall." we welcome new yorkers, manhattan institute of friends and c-span viewers. i don't know how many of you have seen the new chanel movie. that's the movie about the designers, coco chanel. chanel wasn't just a designer. she was the designer. she pin pointed what was wrong with the 19th century with what was wrong with their skirts. then with another set of markers chanel walked out of the 20th century what it should be, women's suits, clothes you can wear and walk in, ideas that changed culture, p