mark: if the new york times and nicole haner jones were to apply their own standards to the new yorks michael goodwin pointed on the new york post's past week. it has a strong history of racism in strong history connected to slavery. at least part of it did. we would have to bring down the new york times building what we based on their own violent ideological thoughts. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ mark: how to destroy american in three easy steps is writing a book and it'll be out this coming tuesday, get it on it seems to be that any nation that continues to focus on is a perfectionist or past failures is a nation that is doing it, any nation that does not accept the fact that there's a norm as progress, in our case in enormous progress, a massive civil war, civil rights law, civil rights battles, court decisions in a society that struggled with the issue of slavery and segregation and wrestled to the ground any nation that does not accept that and does not show allegiance to the principles in the nation that cannot survive. am i wrong? ben: that's exactly right, this is e