nicole hemmer. is it a milestone or milestone to have the 100 days label? well, i think these days it's probably of a milestone because fdr raised bar so high with his first hundred days that what you have seen in the decades since is president is trying to hit that same mark. but i think it really a high watermark and something that it been very challenging other presidents to measure up to who came up with the concept? well, the concept up in a few different ways. the idea of calling it the 100 days was roosevelt's as he looked back over this first special session of congress, which so many bills had been passed and so many sort of green shoots had been planted, were starting to sprout. but the idea that he needed to call a special session was the idea of fdr and the brain trust of men and women around him who understood there is a real emergency here. and we need to meet it with media force and action. and so you can kind of hear that in his inaugural address. he is calling for bold persistent ex