i'm nicole priestley, the chief academic officer of curriculum and instruction. tonight i'm presenting on the annual resolution regarding the efficiency of textbooks and instructional material as required by code 60119. a survey was mailed to all k-12 schools on august 2019 requesting information on the textbook and instructional material needs for each school. it was due back to the office by september 29, 2019. by september 25, most schools had requested materials to remedy the insufficiency. by september 30, all materials were ordered. as noted in the resolution, all requested materials on the district adopted instructional material list were to be received by october 29. and i'm happy to report, as of today, october 29, all materials have been received by the requesting school sites. there are currently no schools that made a request via the williams compliance survey that have not received the requested textbooks or instruction materials. i'll read the results of the resolution. therefore, be it resolved that the board of education of the san francisco unifi