the series was created by ted passon, yoni brook, and nicole salazar. ted and nicole join us now. welcome to democracy now! this is an astounding eight part series. ted, can you talk about why you decided to take on this project? >> sure. thank you again for having us. i have been interested in criminal justice issues for a long time. dierent members of my family have been locked up at different times so it was something i was always interested in looking at stuff i heard larry krasner's name for many years. i had never met him. one day a friend called and said, that guy larry krasner is running for district attorney. it was said like, can you believe it? isn't that ridiculous? it felt absurd. never di ixpeche was going in. buthe caaign ielf seem like aeally grt opportuni to talk out throle of the precutor, theole of the distri attorne and sumptis we he alwa made out what it w and now thinki aut what it could be an sometng that s totall diffent. ittarted out as t idea of thisight be short filabout a stunt campaign when he actuly won, was likeok, this sry is suenly a lot bier. it i