bay area water supply and conservation agency update to be presented by nicole sandkulla. >> good afternoon. pleased to be with you today. i want to take my time today to walk you through a presentation that i gave to the board in january. that presents the most current information about our projections at that time. they have modified a little bit but not significantly. these are what we are using for the water planning work at this time. as i mentioned in the past, we completed the projection study june 2020. that work consisted of customized projected models for each member agency based on local policies, adoptedlant uses and characteristics that impact water use, climate, type of customers and those types of things. the models we're on population and job projections. primarily land use plans where they were more advanced. the study provides critical information to support water resources planning, particularly 2045 of the agency regional level. when we completed that study which is on the website, we then went to ask the agencies how will they meet the demands? one exercise identified w