nicole taylor has a question about what to expect in the near future. >> hi. with the south's split among several republican candidates during the current primary, how do you think the voting will change for the general election? will it still favor a republican candidate, specifically if mitt romney or will it favor president obama? >> i love the echo there at the end, but as you look at the political map, who does it favor, barack obama or mitt romney? >> today the south does not favor anybody. and i say that because if you looked at florida, obama carried florida. he carried north carolina, he carried virginia. i would think rather than to say it favors anybody, i would think that obama has his work cut out for him to carry florida, to carry virginia and to carry north carolina. that being the case, those other states that i did mention in the south, my judgment will be voting republican. so if you had to say anybody was being favored, it would be the republican nominee. >> let me go to some of the students from the washington center. we'll begin with kevin