what women wear on their feet is personal but nicole thorpe said she was ordered to put heels on her first day of work >> they said wow, you cannot wear those. >> reporter: in the uk it the is against the law to require woman to wear heels but some companies exploit a dress code law that makes filing a complaint costly, and time consuming. >> fed up, thorpe filed a formal position to have the issue, debated in parliament. the petition led to a parliamentary report hundreds of woman said they were required to tye their hair, wear revealing outfits and rhea play. and we spoke to a professor at fordham law and asked if mandates are legal in the u.s. >> in general, yes, but in new york, it is only tell woman to heels to work if you tell men to wear heels to new york. >> really objectifying and i understand why these male/ female employers are so, almost like mad men era of men looking like men. women looking like women. >> reporter: parliament has debated a number of topics in the past including whether or not to ban donald trump, but never before have they discussed heels, this trust co