it's like with my great-aunt nicolina. she toured the catacombs in sicily, sat on some coffin, mistaking it for an elaborate bench, and three weeks later-- she falls face-down in the street, dead! she was 96. she was a robust 96! these are stories from the old country... superstitions. you're in the 20th century, you're a college student. you have to break away from your past. i don't know. there are more things in heaven and earth, horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy. you're afraid of this mummy because you don't know anything about it. see, watching this isn't helping. here's what you're going to do-- tomorrow you'll come down to the hospital-- pay attention. you'll come down to the hospital, look at the mummy, talk to dr. fields, and once you see that it's just a historic object, you'll see it the same way you see a painting. [woman] aah! yeah... a painting from hell. i can't look! but i got to look. no! i got to look, and i can't look. it's like driving by a car accident-- part of me wants to look away, but