a nicu is more expensive than a regular postpartum sort of service delivery. if one created the evidence, we looked at three ways of changing clinical behavior. you see the softer intervention where education was provided. in the blue section, you can see that there is a semi-hard stop which provides the obstetrician with information about the findings that early preterm delivery delivers at a high rest. risk. they were allowed to make the decision to go too early elected delivery. the hard stop was simply a policy. over the last year, all of them converged against national backdrop of somewhere between 80-85% compliance, we have moved up to 96% compliance with early preterm delivery. when one thinks about these questions, what is intuitive may not always the correct. how can we go so long without this information? no doctor in his or her experience has enough caseload to detect what will take a fairly large sample to find the differences. in my experience, it is simply not adequate. there is a joke that if a doctor says that is something is in his experience,