and they also nida insurance to do all we can to keep the nation's secrets and to prevent the leaks oformation, these damage security, sometimes gravely, putting cia agents at risk and making their missions much more difficult. the men and women of the cia are a national treasure, and i will consider it one of my most important responsibilities to take care of them just as others took care of me when i arrived at langley in 1980. chairman and vice chairman of the committee. as you know, when you arrive at langley into the lobby, you see the memorial wall. on it are stars, each of them representing a member of the cia family who give his or her life in the service of this nation. today there are 103 stars on that wall. to mech and everyone in the cia, they are not simply stars, but remembrances of dearly departed family and friends, unsung patriots who loved this country and died protecting it. that memorial wall means something very special to me and to every other american who has proudly served at the agency. i want all cia employees always to be proud of the organization to which th