nidhi dutt has more from new delhi. >> reporter: this africa summit in new delhi is all about the kindt india wants from resource-rich nations across the african continent and the kind of things that africans emerging economies need from an asian economic powerhouse lie india. on the one hand there are nations like nigeria, sudan that have the resources, energy resources like oil that india needs to continue along a path of high economic growth. on the other hand, india has expertise and human resources that emerging nations desperately need. things like healthcare, technology, india has been building these expertise for many, many years, however, india is approaching the african continent in a different way compared to its competitor china. while china has focused on public works, big infra truck touche projects like ports and roads, india is looking to play a more capacity-building rolal a more institutions-building role. focus its attention on the em calling sector, on providing pharmaceutical that his african nations need as healthcare sectors open up across the continent. essentia