this was one in berkeley placed there and the tennis court at coat niecis park. i was showing a montessory class there. this is an amphitheatre. it's a wonderful amphitheatre. there was from the sidewalks and they just reused it to create other things. down in menlow park. they built into a caretakers house. the wpa is must more famous. it came after the cw a. it did everything. they put eight and a half million people to work. they built roads. they sewed clothes. they built roads is in san francisco. this one, i have seen them on sidewalks in san francisco. this is on a retains wall in crocket. they are very seldom markers. cw a doesn't. pw a, almost never. not nearly commiserate with what they were doing. that's one of the restrooms in golden gate park. that's a plaque, carefully hidden. the gardeners prune the