emily: all right, ed niedermayer , and kevin tynan, and cory johnson. thank you all.gle could be one step closer to getting its drivers license. the tech giant self driving system cannot be considered a "driver." apply toiously only humans. that makes sense. the federal watchdog overseeing this richly said that the car could not be distributed to the public. and looking beyond smartphones and into cars. ceo simon seeger spoke to bloomberg in london. the nexten we look at few years of automotive's, we look at driver assist and in vehicle information and eventually moving to self driving cars, we anticipate a factor of about 100 in growth. that translates as an opportunity for a $15 billion semi conductor market that we can address. when you do the math on that, you get about $160 million in silicone content on average. emily: they still amount to about 45% of annual revenue. mark zuckerberg response to controversial comments from a facebook board member. we will bring you all of the details coming up next. ♪ emily: mark zuckerberg has responded to a controversial comme