nielson wedding in queens. yeah. let me see how those move. addison's fills this 7002 a piece of stuff i laptop says sold both of those, the glass and stuff like that. so yeah, and then which of the most likely the dresser, the espana, we gotta put it. i can install the windows. look at that right away. yeah. and see what a single category. so maybe another space or you know, broker because of the losing the closest thing was the, as the season to voicemail surface luckless, if its young or is that the same thing as soon as soon as this, i meant to say your portal now are not gonna lose it means that the stores, as obviously the single circuit political not then that'll be easiest. if that box is not the soonest to saturday, when i flew into any of the as may assist you in an issue, i'm not sure what a balance here. same was based on i see, i wanna say there's plans as low as i'm looking more towards the lumen. rachel, let's be honest, but uh, but the window is in his cab. dentist. i paperwork in order to get an acce