and in post the guy predicted that there's going to be nierenberg trials 2.0 for against the people who have committed crimes against humanity. and i would be, of course, on the agenda of nuremberg trials 2.0 and after a very, very very long post, he raised the question of i should get for my life in prison or public hanging. and of course that was a topic of discussion. what's what's appropriate and there were about a thousand people who commented on this and now if you just read the comments you would say these are some of the loveliest people ever they congratulated him they told him how insightful there is. there was lot of little hearts and, all kinds of things like that. you you just read the comments you would say these people have gathered here to to eradicate poverty. what do you know to do to do something wonderful? but and and, you know, every day in those dozens of misinformation, there be a comment about somebody deserves the bel peace prize. now, if you go an academic board, nobody ever believes that anybody else deserves any prize. but re they thought people deserve prize