gain a nietzsche luxury in electric automaker simply isn't going to pay the bills. -- gaining a nicheuxury. there was a report earlier this week that indicated that the future of electric vehicle revolution could come from small vehicles such as golf carts rather than a top-down approach from a brand like tesla. dan, and rory thank you everyone. now to comcast, preparing a major new video platform that could arrival facebook and youtube in online video. the platform is called watchable. comcast is majoring with fox, but speed, nbc sports -- buz zfeed, nbc sports, and awesomeness tv. they are going to upload all unlicensed content on demand. it will be ready to be bundled for comcast xfinity setup boxes at some point. coming up, wall street reacts to rumors on the search for twitter's new ceo. still to come apple hits pause , on the live tv service. delaying its rollout until next year. we will explain why next. ♪ emily: twitter shares of getting a push from the news that a ceo could be named as early next week. expects abert hecht tri-party leadership. dorsey returned to the company a