nihad, i'm sorry to interrupt you, but we have footage of the alleged shooter.had is from outside, i believe the building in advance of the attack and i think that's him and you will see it circled in the green. part of the reason, i think that had has -- we can talk about this a little bit in terms of their -- the video that we had yesterday of inside the hall and this video now showing him approaching the building. this does a lot to increase the level of fear. necessarily, i think people are scared when they see footage like this, but it also, i think has longer term effects, right? this is part of a traumatic period in american culture and american society in politics and a lot has been done to, i think, keep that fear with us, whether it's the rhetoric that we are hearing or the policies that we are put in place, i guess i wonder as we look toward the future both in the short and the long and the medium term, you know, how do we react to this stuff in a way that preserves the fundamentals in term of our democracy and transparency. >> here's one of the inter