. >> i'm andre i'm father of bear nikachuk, my son miraculously survived the shooting. every time something like columbine, virginia tech or aurora are happening i would avert my eyes and i will still think something will be done. but all those beliefs were shattered on friday. let's stop these partisan division. it is not a partisan issue. it is an issue of safety of our children. >> eliot: echoing that powerful sentiment in an op-ed today, representative sheila jackson lee wrote that congress needs to pass stricter gun laws immediately, writing and i quote... >> eliot: for more, i'm joined by congresswoman sheila jackson lee, democrat of texas. thank you for joining us, congresswoman. >> thank you. it is good to be with you this evening although we are so saddened by the tragedy of last friday and those who mourn their children and those who mourn their family members who lost their lives. >> eliot: it has been heroic, a moment of national mourning. the beginning of a national conversation. you've been a major participant in this as we try to get our arms around gun c