talk about that relationship with nikita chris jeff. >> i'll do it in 2 stories. the first story is after july 4, 1956 the us embassy actually the ambassadors residents and nikita chris jeff arrived with the entire politburo and it was a big deal because it indicated he wanted to be friends with us and there were only four people who spoke russian. there was an ambassador, two senior officers and me and i was the kid on the block. i had no authority, nothing of any real importance. i was a translator, i was an interpreter. kind of a junior press officer. but ambassador boylan said i was to look after the defense minister. marshall shook off loved to drink. i did not. and i was there while he sucked back eight launches. and when the party was over, he kind of sidled up to christian and said i was drinking by the way water while he drank vodka and he went over to chris jeff and he said i have finally found a young american who can drink like a russian. chris jeff burst into laughter and said i'm three centimeters shorter. he loved that line and to this day i have a q