nikita fomichev was convicted. arkady deceived the country of coincidence, isn't it, and now it turns out that the fomichevs have left to themselves all their fortune? well, they pay. fomichev died, his wife also did not find the body of the boy, he was hiding. but why is he not pursued for anything? i'll check. i would like you to returned to me. i want us to be together. do you remember how much we hate your mobile understood? i will soon. i'm sorry, i have to go. i'll call. i almost forgot. i still love you. i'll drop by, no later, i'll call and drop by. here thank you, maybe the box open. not? i myself all the best. either you weren't looking for the girl, or no one was linking your disappearance to this murder. i don't think it will ever be needed. does she have someone? i don't know no one passed my shifts. i just saw them myself streets. well, she's my wife. i'm ending now. well, it hurts, you can’t imagine how strong you are ksyusha after i spent so many years alone, i didn’t even notice it. nikita why here?