. >> internet sensation niklas fraser, all he he has is his backyard and that was enough to get millions of views. >> where the masterpieces made. >> together we made this video. >> do you think he is famous because of his wife's westmark. >> you are chasing a story in harlem, he has no opinion. this story pushes the limit of the first amendment. >> the pope is in new york city. pastor manning believes the pope is here to them for sodomy. to turn everyone gay if you are not already. >> i think he he is here to enforce the whole idea of sodomy and promote it. he is here to give his highest praise. he is going to do it in his tactful scribble way. >> pastor has been controversial for years. [inaudible] >> his church is located at w. 133rd st. and 1x avenue he always has a sign on his church that often has a homophobic has a homophobic message. the latest message says obama is a muslim, muslim hates, we throw them up buildings, the bible says so them off to. >> that lady sign caused caused a huge gay and lesbian community outcry. >> i thought we need to check them out on what he says. >> i'