for people who would not have paid for that material in the first place, people who would not buy nikola advertisements, they will do it now on craigslist because it is free. >> i just do not dig the relationship, what is going on with the ria and all of that stuff, and i have a feeling instead of trying to respond in a way that will lead to their survival and profits, they are kind of, well, i guess the phrase is self-inflicted wounds. i do not get it as a nerd, but as a nerd, there are many things i do not get. >> i am wondering if he actually believes that craigslist has had anything to do with that. i believe that the internet destroys profits, and i believe that craigslist is the epitome of taking money from something that used to cost money and vaporizing that advantage and those profits, so i think that there is money that was made by "the boston globe," "the l.a. times," and others which will not be made. current economic models are not going to pay for it, nothing personal, but i do believe that craigslist and the trend that represents our part of the destruction of a particular