lawsuit. >> a laughable lawsuit recently from some company called nikola, ironically, like nikola is suing tesla, that's hilarious. fate loves irony they said it's the way the trucks look, which is absurd nobody's buying a semitruck because of the way it looks. >> as you look at shares of tesla, look at the bounceback today. this is a stock that just days ago, guys, when elon musk came off the earnings call and people said, look, is there something here spooked investors? they regained everything that they've lost right after that conference call. guys, back to you. >> phil, thank you very much really impressive rebound, now flat on the week now we got 43 minutes until the close. right now, dow's up by 365 points, around 750 rebound from 11:00 a.m. yesterday big turn around we see there, up a 1.5%, all major indexes this friday afternoon all over the big rally with an analysis, job numbers, and the economy going forward. >> brian sullivan is at the nra convention down in dallas, brian? >> reporter: hey, kelly, thank you very much. if you are wondering where 80,000 of the fans are, you found them