route - the smolnya museum, which is located 5 km from the town of albud on the road to direction nikolaevshchina, lived the poet’s mother anna yuryevna, sisters, brothers and uncle antos. today it is a museum complex, a two-story local museum restored by the estate, which houses letters and rare editions of the poet's works, photographs and valuables. colas and kupala, write at the forest kupala, what is the request from the state, when you come to the cyagnyka foot, syadzesh cyagnyak, you know a joke or a frame and come. yes kolasavay huts, but if you don’t have a penny, then you, on foot, from neman, will know kolasavay hut, well, kupala had pennies, of course, but hey, look at the jumpy kolasa meats, and pay oў u peshshu. from that moment on, the 30-year friendship of the two comrades only grew stronger. they were equally talented, devoted to their people and the belarusian land, and i decided to take a walk and explore the neman expanses. oh! if only devices could convey the smell of a pine forest and all the beauty of these places. my native land, how dear you are, i don’t have the strength