the arboretum was founded in 1974 by carob teacher nikolai dendropark has a cork tree.ld like to note that, most likely, tourists found it. i can’t even convey to you through the camera before me , how much? but for those who pass the park from the beginning to the end, a wonderful bonus awaits, the high and picturesque bank of the western dvina, and now i'm admiring it with my own eyes wow near the arboretum you can see the brick building that once housed the agricultural school. personally, the building reminds me of some kind of medieval castle, it was built in the 19th century, and you will be surprised now, but yes, it still operates. so this is what you look like in the mechanization building of the agricultural college, i would say. modern and here you can see the engine of the axle of the car. what else is famous for losk is that there is a holy spring of the great martyr and healer panteleimon. but you need to get to it, judging by the sign, go down from this mountain. hope for the fact that when i drink water from the source you will not have strength again. m