this was the only case in the history of the krasovsky enchantresses , which greatly pleased and surprised as nikolair volodya film hook. these paintings multiplied, as krasovsky called them the waltzes of glinka tchaikovsky chopin khachaturian glebov's bathing place cranes fly a splinter in the woods, but the bolero of rabel became the crowning achievement of ballet art. it was krasovsky who remembered that there 10-12 years ago, raechka performed two female solo parts in this number. just imagine that the elastic rhythm of the bolero literally pushed onto the stage. there's 25-26 30 of these girls thrown back with these. i don't i know what it's called, uh, these gypsy crowns. if these dresses were forward, they made some kind of rebuilding movement and left. ice came out six were doing something. she left, replaced them, soloist. there, with an almost four-minute solo, it was replaced by a four and again, these 24-26 spaniards jumped out here. you know, it fascinated responsibly i declare i have seen many bolero productions in different theaters, they were different together re mi, but better prod