and responsible professionals are embodied in wooden sculptures created by the grodno master nikolai sklyarr of this sculptural composition we placed children as a continuation of the family, that is, everything around is on the earth is spinning, spinning, if this continues to happen, the village will live, the village will do what it does, give its rich harvests. of course, i wanted a lot of young people to return here, the young people who live with us today, we have enough of them here so that they don’t come to the village, continue to live here, continue to work here. the composition with the canyon to mother earth is a symbol of gratitude to everyone who works on the earth for the common good; you can see the unusual sculptures by driving along the central road of the agricultural town of vertilishki. reasonable cold exposure is hardening for a healthy person; short-term exposure to cold will not lead to any serious consequences , so my attitude towards cold is solely as a good, correct hardening procedure, but you need to understand that the human body adapts to the environmental co