help of space technology, and in the cockpit a whole set of gadgets tells the machine operator nikolai zhuravkinsomewhere around 100 gassies a day, and the weather helps. so everything will work out for us. at the same time, in the operation of 230 drying complexes in the region, this one processes even 600 tons of grain of a new crop per day at dawn. we are in the alfalfa field. eh, we're removing it. the third coconut grass is ready , the plant has already grown 25 cm. 30 in phases. it is necessary to remove it in the agronomic calendar for the third time already, the bonfires of the economy are democratic. bet on the face of 500 hectares. under this protein-rich crop , 13,000 people need to be fed. livestock on farms. we have a dedicated unit. consists of 8 people mower. jaguar rake five people on a flat trumpet we make feed. daily, in a good scenario up to 400 tons. the masses arrive at the seed pit with the agronomists. pleases the resulting green mass will be enough to more than meet their own needs. even the stocks left in the haylage trenches are getting fuller after 21-28 days. we can s