and by nikon sport optics -- the trusted name in optics. >> welcome back to "the chronicles of the hunt we're in south texas. keith dafron and his guide, gene naquin, have been on the move looking for that trophy white-tailed buck. they've just settled into a new spot, and keith is confident their luck is about to change. >> me and keith set up on a deer. i set up on one particular deer, and we hunted twice, the deer didn't show up, so sparked an idea of me seeing all these bucks on the move. i said, "hey, let's go in an area that i know where a lot of bucks travel through, and let's just try some rattling. so, we set up on this place that i knew where these deer were traveling through, and i went to hit the horns together, and right off the bat, a 2-year-old 8-point kind of skirted out around us. >> and he kind of flanked us -- came in behind us, through the brush. we got to see him, and that was fun and interesting. but as soon as he left, i turned back, the road we were really focused on i could see movement down at the end. it was probably 150, 175 yards away, but you could tell it