is called podorozhni, how many roads in the world are there from swadonia and python, but where is niktasible, i would be like a plantain, on your military path, by the road along which, by the road along which you are destined to pass. the plantain is growing greener, maybe there is something for him, our life somehow knows better , these gray rings of roads have made me dizzy, and a green leaf, at least a little, would help me with this, if it were. so perhaps i would be like a plantain on your road, on the road along which, on the road along which you are destined to walk. hey, if it were possible, i'd like plantain, on your path arose, on the road along which, on the road along which you are destined to pass, if it were so possible, i would be like a plantain, on your path arose, on the road along which, on the road along which you are destined to pass, you are destined to pass, you are destined to pass, thank you very much, now unfortunately, a lot of songs are written on three, two and even one chord on the computer, but we did this earlier in the eighty-first, a joke of humor, and