nilay, maybe you didn't hear that.ob. >> the answer to your question, jon, yes, everything is gameified and we should be concerned about this. this is no longer who is going to win the super bowl, and you put up three questions, and my question is if every gaming app is going to extend into every possible aspect of your life. it is no longer who is going to win the super bowl, and now you can bet on whether the quarterback is going to make a completion on the next pass, and everything is sliced and diced into infinite varieties, and so we all go down the rabbit hole of infinite speculation on silly items frankly, and to sound a little retro on all of this, but it is a slippery slope. you were right, jon, everything, everything is going to be bet upon including whether or not texas makes it through the weekend or any other endeavor that you want to put it on. >> we don't want to leave that to chance. and ev battery maker quantum scape is having a very good day. they had reported a loss of $700 million in the fourth quar