in the middle of a hostile desert that produces the most colorful follows the nile delta the cradle of sense. is quite exceptional and we connect to the very roots of egypt both from the lands point of view this is agriculture and planting and from the type of products that we produce aromatics we basically relate to as medics and boy and everything dealing with beauty and people can easily imagine how this goes back to ancient egypt. and pharaohs and so on and we basically still carry this and what we do. smelling something is something that you cannot catch something that you know comes very deep you have no control it's perhaps one of those senses it's not the only sense on which you have no control i mean if you stop breathing you die you can close your eyes and you can sleep and stop watching that's no problem you don't have to touch things but you can stop breathing. fire. alarm when there's some sense the pickers would prepare for the next night shift grab by graham kilo by kilo bakelite tums and just be blossoms to extract tiny quantities of the aroma the aroma of which it's