nimmer: exactly.therapist in our clinic to really just have-- get a team together to discuss that patient and family together, to bounce ideas off of each other, because we both know them so well-- is so much better for patient care. >> alfonsi: dr. nimmer's clinic treats an under-served community where families typically struggle to get mental health help. therapists have treated more than 500 kids here since the pandemic started. >> dr. nimmer: i think as pediatricians and primary care providers, we can no longer just solely say, you know, "mental health providers, you're the only ones that are going to be taking care of our patients, in regards to mental health." this is now something that we need to be doing, too. >> alfonsi: austin bruenger's pediatrician now has a therapist in her office, too. their family was fortunate to find regular outpatient therapy for his depression. how do you feel now? >> austin bruenger: i don't know. it's much better than before. everything's going up in my life, know