we have different views of denuclearizaon of your at a nimum, president trump needs to get a commitmentfrom kim jong-un. lithen set up a ti for very robust change in regime that needs to take truly willing to put something to give up their nuclear weapons progm. we are being mind told that kim jong-un has no intention of getting rid of his nuclear weapons. w will you define success? >> what i would dene success is as if north korea at least gives up elements of their nuclear program and ages to a timeline. again, for a regime, for the verification regime to take place, meaning international inspectorsetre allowed toack into north korea to begin the process of verifying. whether kim has given up his nuclear weapons program of course, president trump again raised expectations by snapping the iran deal, saying it was not good enough, it was insane, the worst deal ever. now he set the bar very high. we will e if he can conclude a deal with north korea that is better than the iran deal. jane: how confident you think that kim jong-un is? we have seen extorting mary richards of him walking aro