times op ed writer nina coles believes are you certain and called out how the. nords any scientific evidence the refutes the forty year old studies they cling to as she puts it quote that's a little like reporting on midway times in america while remaining silent about the race that to me the problem is that they would give him what would give you this but we don't want to tell you about the because the sets were who are pretty masters which is coming big pharma big ones set with all of this anti-cult you know low cholesterol drugs and then you have food i mean you're looking at the mark and heart association is telling me i should go eat at subway and get food from months until like where where does that even come from but i think when you look at the recent reason this came up with the coconut oil why that suddenly never eat coconut oil it's terrible for you but what they don't tell you oh is that the these specific kind of coconut oil used in that study is a one hundred percent medium chain coconut oil so the tribe lesser ads are very specific the average per