this woman, nina jankowitz is j going to head it.they're going going to as presidentt obama kind of referenced this the other day, we have to deal with all the quackery out there. i guess they were kind of o talking about you, doctor . a lot of the you know, i take no offense because if quackery means being honest with people ,you know, being straight about what the data actually show and what clinical studies actually show instead of, you know, holding the flag of whatever you're politically fueled idea about how a pandemic should unfold is i'm happy to be that. i'll be that all day.i i mean, there's been so it is really stunning how muches dishonesty there has been and how little integrity there has been from the public health community. ro these, and you look policies very burdensome policies that they pushok a f and what do weor have to show fr it? i mean, the differences that happen between states are not related to these policies, whetherat it's keeping kids out of school or whatever , but the harms will be related to the polic