but there should be no mistake on this point, ninone -- wal-mat will never be a friend of workers so long as it denies its own employees the right and the strength and dignity that can only come with the usw contract -- the ufcw contract. that is not all. we need a labor movement that is mobilizing as never before to speak out for workers, whether it is at the courthouse, the state house, or the white house. today more than ever we need the labor movement that stance by our friends, punishes its enemies, and challenges all of those who cannot quite seem to decide which side they are on. i'm talking about the politicians who want to turn out our members for every vote, make phone calls, door locks -- door knocks, but somehow they seem to forget workers when the votes are counted. for example, legislators to do not understand that their job is not to make insurance companies happy, it is to make americans healthy. legislators who say they are all for health care reform but refused to stand up for a public system that puts people for profits -- people before profits. to hear some of the