you will get much more reduction using a niosh-certcert mask, particularly if it is well fitting. >> we know parents will do everything they can to keep their kids safe, but what symptoms should we be on the lookout for if your kid was exposed to too much of that toxic, hazy air outside? >> the most common symptoms are what i would call respiratory symptoms including upper respiratory symptoms like runny nose, itchy eyes, scratchy throat, the kind of things that probably most of your viewers already know happen with wildfire smoke, and also lower respiratory symptoms, so things like increasing asthma symptoms for a kid who has asthma, cough, wheezing, also an increase in respiratory infections. influenza and also covid. >> such great advice for everyone at home. got to go out and try to find the -- try to find those n95 masks, hopefully before the air quality worsens in the area. thank you for joining us this afternoon. >> absolutely. my pleasure. >> next up, we will be addressing wildfire and climate change in a way you probably have not heard before. >> welcome back. three-time gra