|j buying the nipt te5t online and testing for gender?alth is that the gender bias in the uk is what you would expect. what is shown by your survey and your report is that within certain communities, and it may not be just asian communities, there is a demand against women, and against young children born as women. and how we deal with that, morally, ethically, legislatively, and through education, is imported. and is it an issue on the isle of man? no. we have looked at the department of health issues and we did think it is an issue. i have spoken to obstetricians on the isle of man and they have never been asked to perform an abortion because of the sex of the foetus, but we are bringing ina of the sex of the foetus, but we are bringing in a new abortion law which is progressive and decriminalise a5 abortion and allows it on request up to 14 weeks. our chief minister has brought in an amendment specifically prohibiting sex selective abortion, except for very specific medical reasons, and there are some. what we are trying to do is make