clause within it which specifically enabled the existence of a nonindependent staff association like nisa to block an application for recognition by an independent trade union at a news international title? >> no. i understand why these sort of conspiracy theories arise, but i mean it's not as if my position on unions and so on was a matter of great surprise. it was actually for me a very, very strong article, belief. to me trade unions are a very important part of a maude eoder democratic society but it's interesting actually that their argument through the '60s and the '70s, and i grew up with this argument, was that they should not be subject to legal constraint. that was was an interference with the democratic principles of trade unionism. as time went on, i couldn't argue that. they had power, they should be subject to some sort of legal framework. so this was -- my view of this was because i genuinely believed these positions for the labor party should change and have to change. >> joe mandellson in his testimony drew the powers of old and the modern power of the press. do you see t