i'm asking for you, nischelle, and you're welcome.an be there for you. >> are y'all auditioning? >> let me tell you, ms. sidner, it's pride month. i can be a backup singer as well. >> sarah and i are ready to go on the road. >> don't call me, i'll call you. >> we call this a father's day themed day as well. did you talk to your kids and explain to them about juneteenth? >> my oldest is 12, and right behind her is her brother, he's 10, and i've explained it to them. they get it. my five-year-old, four-year-old and one-year-old, they don't care yet. but they will. i'll make them care. i'll make sure they know how important this is to us as black people and i'll make sure they're there for the celebration every time. >> we've been talking about how music, and especially black music, is rooted in so much. i call it the trunk of the branches of the music tree. and also just how black music from slave days was so important to our people. did you ever think about that when you're making this music like this, you are affecting a generation. >