world-class skills, like nishida 's need to be preserved.n't take action quickly, i would definitely regret it. reporter: when thinking about new business opportunities, for remember the beautiful fabrics he saw in tokyo, while living there when he was younger. he thought that, by combining the bright and colorful designs with nishida 's dyeing techniques, they could create a new style of clothing that had never been seen before. i had never worked with anything that vibrant before, but figured why not give it a go and see what happens? reporter: feeling that the designs were way too flamboyant for japanese tastes, nishida decided to tone things down, by brushing over the fabrics with various layers of softer, darker fabrics, he was able to achieve the look he wanted. for example, take this fabric, with a distinctive anchor pattern. used his decades of experience to mix extremely rich dies, so he could dramatically mute the pattern, without losing the pattern. if it is off by 1/10 of a gram it can ruin the color. reporter: for this fabric, n