all this work is done without nispect. -- inspect. public works may be looking at this. this is done in serial permitting fashion. it has done -- been done without inspection. president hwang: thank you. we can hear from rec and park now. permit holder. >> good evening, board members. i am a project manager for the recreation and parks department speaking to you on behalf of the permit holder at the recreation and parks department. the renovation is a major capital projects being performed under the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood parks bond program. it was planned and developed over course of many years, culminating in the initiation of the planning process in 2010. the renovation of the 11-acre park includes repairs to the park infrastructure, pathways, stairs, retaining walls, irrigation, drainage, and landscape. upgrades of the existing restroom, and storage shed to meet current codes for accessibility, upgrades to the existing program spaces to meet current users and operations needs. that includes upgrades to the playground, the dog play area, courts, picnic area,